Find word – Scrabble, Crosswords and others

Find word  Scrabble, Crosswords and others

How does it work and what are the options “Find word”?

“Find word” allows you to find the missing words in the crossword puzzles and word games such as Scrabble or Literaki. Typing known letters of a word, and replacing the missing letters symbol “_” will result in response obtainable from such a combination of words, eg. typing rhy_ein response to obtain, among others, the word “rhyme“. The missing letter will be replaced and will help in finding the missing letters. If you wish to obtain any length of words defined the beginning/end/phrases within the word, use the “%” symbol, eg. by typing “rhy%” getRHYME, RHYMED, RHYMER, RHYMES, RHYMING…“. Another example is the answer to the phrase “%rhy%”, “ARRHYTHMIA, ARRHYTHMIAS, UDVERHYE, UDVERHYE’S”.


Immediate effect of using the search words is getting help in crossword puzzles and word games. Long-term effect is to increasing your vocabulary and easier associating words emerging from a given set of words.


Search words allows you to find words beginning with any letter, eg. To find:
– “Words beginning with a simply type a%
– “Words on the letter r simply type r%
– “Words on the letter i” – simply type i%
– “Words on the letter kjust type “k%
– “Words beginning with o simply type o%
– “Words on a simply type a%
– “Words on g simply type g%
– “Words of n simply type n%
Word with the letter Z simply type %Z%
– e.t.c.

If you are looking for answers to the phrase: Make a word with the letters“, “word with the letters“, “what words can arrange the letters, the solution will have to type these letters into the search box and selecting anagrams.