Found rhyme to the word:
- arrive, contrive, derive, dr, dr., drive, overdrive, strive, thrive, alive, archive, beehive, c5, clive, clyve, connive, dive, five, hive, i've, jive, live, m5, nosedive, o'five, revive, revive, shive, skydive, survive, vive, revive, vive, abortive, above, abrasive, absolve, absolve, abusive, accommodative, accumulative, accusative, achieve, acquisitive, active, adaptive, addictive, additive, adhesive, adhesive, adjective, administrative, adoptive, afanasyev, affective, affirmative, aftershave, aggressive, aggrieve, airmotive, airwave, alcove, aleve, alexandrov, alexandrov, alliterative, alliterative, allusive, alternative, amev, amirav, andropov, anti-infective, anticompetitive, appointive, appreciative, appreciative, apprehensive, apprehensive, approve, architrave, argumentative, arsov, artcarve, arve, asimov, asimov, askoldov, assaultive, assertive, attentive, attractive, authoritative, autoclave, automotive, aversive, aviv, baldev, bancserve, baryshnikov, basayev, behave, behoove, belgrave, believe, belov, belove, bereave, besharov, bev, biev, bivalve, bocharov, boeve, bordenave, bordenave, bove, branislov, brave, breedlove, brezhnev, captive, carve, causative, causative, cave, cazenove, chazov, chebrikov, chekhov, cleave, cleve, co-operative, co-operative, coercive, cognitive, cohesive, colegrove, colgrove, collaborative, collaborative, collective, collusive, combative, combative, commemorative, commemorative, communicative, comparative, competitive, competitive, comprehensive, compulsive, compuserve, concave, concave, conceive, conclave, conclusive, conducive, conductive, congestive, congrove, connective, consecutive, conservative, conserve, constructive, consultative, contemplative, contraceptive, convective, convulsive, cooperative, corrective, corroborative, corroborative, corrosive, corruptive, cosgrove, could've, countermove, counteroffensive, counterproductive, counterproductive, cove, crave, creative, cumulative, curative, curve, d'oeuvre, dauterive, dave, davydov, deceive, deceptive, decisive, decorative, deductive, defective, defensive, definitive, degenerative, deliberative, deliberative, delve, demonstrative, demov, deneuve, deneuve, deneve, deprave, depressive, derisive, derisive, derivative, derivative, descriptive, deserve, destructive, detective, determinative, dev, devolve, digestive, dilutive, dilutive, diminutive, directive, directive, directive, directive, disapprove, disbelieve, discriminative, discursive, disincentive, dismissive, dispersive, dispositive, disprove, disruptive, dissipative, dissolve, distinctive, distributive, divisive, dov, dove, dove, drobkov, drove, dudayev, duplicative, duve, dzhirkvelov, eave, effective, effective, effusive, elective, elucidative, elusive, emotive, emotive, emptive, enclave, enclave, endive, engrave, enslave, erosive, eruptive, eruptive, esteve, ev, evanov, evasive, evasive, eve, evocative, evolve, evolve, excessive, exclusive, executive, exhaustive, expansive, expensive, expletive, exploitative, exploitive, exploitive, explosive, expressive, extensive, facultative, farve, fave, federative, federative, federov, festive, figurative, filyaw, fiserv, fixative, flahive, forgave, forgive, forgive, formative, forty-five, foxglove, freelove, fugitive, fugitive, furtive, fyodorov, gave, generative, geneve, genevieve, gerasimov, gerasimov, gildersleeve, gillinov, give, glazunov, gleave, glove, godlove, godunov, goncharov, gorbachev, gordeyev, gostev, gov, gove, grachev, grachov, gradchev, grave, greave, greve, grieve, groove, grove, hairgrove, halve, hardgrave, hardgrove, hargrave, hargrove, hartgrove, harv, harve, have, heave, herve, hors_d'oeuvre, hove, hyperactive, hyperdrive, hypersensitive, hypertensive, illusive, illustrative, imaginative, imitative, impassive, imperative, impressive, improv, improve, impulsive, inactive, inattentive, incentive, incentive, incisive, inclusive, inconclusive, indecisive, indicative, inductive, ineffective, inexpensive, infective, infinitive, informative, initiative, initiative, injunctive, injunctive, innovative, innovative, inoffensive, inoperative, inquisitive, insensitive, insensitive, instinctive, instructive, intensive, interactive, interactive, interleave, interpretive, interweave, introspective, introspective, intrusive, intuitive, invasive, invective, inventive, investigative, involve, irrespective, irv, irve, iterative, ivanov, juve, kafelnikov, kalashnikov, kamentsev, kargonaov, karpov, kasparov, kasparov, kazikaev, kerpedjiev, khlebnikov, khrushchev, kiev, kirov, kleve, knave, kopchev, kosyakov, kovalyov, kozyrev, krakow, krikalev, krotkov, kruschev, kunaev, kunayev, kurshikov, labauve, labov, labove, lafave, landgrave, laneve, lave, laxative, leave, lefauve, lefave, legislative, lev, leve, ligachev, likhachov, liv, live, locomotive, love, lovegrove, lubinov, lucrative, lugkov, lukyanov, luzhkov, lyubimov, maariv, maeve, maglev, mahariv, maharive, mangrove, mangrove, manipulative, manlove, margalov, margrave, marliave, martirosov, marv, maslyukov, massive, mauve, mav, mave, mcclave, mccleave, meave, meditative, medserv, medvedev, merv, meserve, microwave, might've, miroslav, mirv, misbehave, misbehave, misconceive, misgive, misperceive, missive, mityunov, morachov, motive, move, multivalve, musgrave, musgrove, must've, nabokov, naeve, naive, narrative, narrative, native, nav, nave, nazarbayev, neave, nechayev, negative, negev, neoconservative, nerve, neve, newwave, non-automotive, non-competitive, non-cumulative, non-exclusive, non-executive, non-native, non-productive, non-responsive, nonautomotive, noncompetitive, noncumulative, nonexclusive, nonexecutive, nonnative, nonproductive, nonresponsive, normative, nov, nureyev, nutritive, o'glove, objective, observe, obsessive, obstructive, obtrusive, octave, oeuvre, of, of, offensive, olive, olive, operative, oppressive, orlov, outlive, overactive, overprotective, oversensitive, palliative, palmolive, participative, passive, pave, pavlov, peeve, pejorative, pensive, perceive, perceptive, percussive, performative, permissive, perspective, persuasive, pervasive, photoconductive, photorefractive, plaintive, plaintive, plosive, polevanov, popov, positive, possessive, potapov, poznikov, pre-emptive, preconceive, predictive, predictive, preemptive, prerogative, prerogative, preservative, preserve, preserve, preserve, presumptive, preventative, preventive, preventive, preventive, preventive, primakov, primitive, primitive, proactive, probative, productive, productive, productive, prognosticative, progressive, prohibitive, projective, prokofiev, proserv, prospective, protective, prove, provocative, punitive, putative, qualitative, quantitative, quave, radioactive, rajiv, rajiv, rave, reactive, reave, receive, receive, receive, receptive, receptive, recessive, reclusive, reclusive, reconstructive, recuperative, redemptive, redemptive, redgrave, redistributive, redistributive, reeve, reflective, reflexive, refractive, regressive, regulative, rehabilitative, rehabilitative, relative, relieve, relieve, relive, remove, remunerative, rep, rep., repetitive, representative, representative, representative, representative, repressive, reprieve, reproductive, repulsive, reserve, reserve, resolve, respective, respective, responsive, restive, restorative, restrictive, retrieve, retrieve, retroactive, retrospective, rev, revolve, rogachev, romanov, rostov, rove, ryave, rybakov, ryzhkov, sachdev, sakarov, sakharov, salve, sanjiv, saratov, satanjeev, sauve, save, schave, scheve, seagrave, seagrove, secretive, sedative, seductive, selective, semionenkov, sensitive, sensitive, serv, serve, seventy-five, shalev, shalnev, shansev, shatrov, shave, shelev, shelve, shirtsleeve, shmyrev, shockwave, shortwave, should've, shove, shreeve, shreve, shtyrov, sieve, sizelove, skov, skywave, slav, slave, sleeve, snelgrove, snellgrove, soave, socanav, sokolov, soloviev, solve, speculative, spendlove, stanislav, starodubstev, starve, starwave, stave, steve, stieve, stimulative, stove, strangelove, strove, struve, stueve, stuve, suave, subjective, submissive, substantive, subversive, successive, suggestive, sukharev, sulgrave, superabrasive, superconductive, superlative, supermassive, supportive, swerve, talkative, tel_aviv, tentative, that've, there've, thereof, they've, thirty-five, throve, tov, transformative, trove, truelove, tupelov, twelve, twenty-five, ultraconservative, unattractive, uncompetitive, uncooperative, underserve, unfav, unimaginative, unimpressive, uninformative, unnerve, unobtrusive, unproductive, unreceptive, unrepresentative, unresponsive, uptegrove, ustinov, ustinov, vaclav, vaclav, valve, vancleave, vancleve, vanhove, vaslev, vaslov, vegetative, verve, veuve, villeneuve, villeneuve, vindictive, vituperative, vituperative, viv, vive, vladislav, volkogonov, vorontsov, vyacheslav, waive, wave, we've, weave, what've, where've, who've, wingrove, would've, wove, yaacov, yakov, yakovlev, yakovlev, yazov, yazov, you've, younglove, yugoslav, yves, zaitsev, zakharov, zev, zhivkov, ziv, zuganov, zurve, zyuganov, zyuganov, absolve, additive, adhesive, alexandrov, alliterative, appreciative, apprehensive, asimov, causative, co-operative, collaborative, combative, commemorative, competitive, corroborative, counteroffensive, counterproductive, deliberative, deneuve, derisive, derivative, dilutive, directive, dove, effective, emotive, enclave, eruptive, evasive, evolve, exploitive, farve, federative, forgive, fugitive, gerasimov, gradchev, hors-d-oeuvre, incentive, initiative, injunctive, innovative, insensitive, interactive, introspective, kafelnikov, kasparov, krakow, live, mangrove, misbehave, narrative, oeuvre, olive, plaintive, predictive, prerogative, preserve, preventive, primitive, productive, protective, quantitative, rajiv, receive, receptive, reclusive, redemptive, redistributive, rehabilitative, relieve, rep, representative, reserve, respective, retrieve, sensitive, tel-aviv, tentative, ustinov, vaclav, villeneuve, vituperative, yakovlev, yazov, zyuganov,
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